OPS Manager™
Photo of field technician performing maintenance on a pipeline


Screenshot of TaskFlow™ Notes System
Notes and comments can be attached to all aspects of a job as work is performed

Screenshot of TaskFlow™ Customer Information Panel
View detailed and up-to-date information about each of your customers

OPS Manager - Operations Management Software

Discover new opportunities by sharing knowledge

OPS Manager promotes collaborative innovation by connecting people with operations. It gives teams access to all of the corporate knowledge and ideas needed to work together more effectively. OPS Manager ensures availability of notes, documents, pictures, and job status. This sharing of knowledge and ideas promotes innovation.

Reduce search time — improve efficiency

OPS Manager allows you to key stroke information once and electronically store all of the knowledge associated with a job. Action-item tracking throughout the process provides increased accountability. Transfer tasks, locate items, parts, assets, and more in seconds. OPS Manager uses a search engine in a paperless environment to find what you need fast.

Protect information

OPS Manager protects your business knowledge (notes, documents, pictures, drawings, contracts, etc.) from loss, theft or accidental deletion. Also, role-based security grants users rights on a need-to-know basis.

See real-time operational performance at a glance

OPS Manager provides comprehensive real-time profi t margins and reports — equipping decision makers with the information needed to take immediate action. Individuals receive information necessary to make intelligent decisions regarding their task level activities. OPS Manager captures time spent on a task for operational efficiency.

Adapt quicky using a configurable system

Easily configurable, OPS Manager helps operations quickly adapt processes to new challenges and opportunities. Accessible by a standard web browser, implementation time for work stations is minimal — allowing for rapid deployment on a wide range of systems.

Manage workflow

OPS Manager streamlines workflow by automating and minimizing the number of paths a job may flow through an organization. Supervisors can prioritize and delegate tasks for more effective use of resources. Automated reminders ensure that personnel perform follow-up and future activities.

Improve workflow at all levels of operation

For more information about OPS Manager, please contact TaskFlow.